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November Fall Testers (107)... (22) BFPs! Here we are! Find your TTC/Buddy!

mrsevewat1- lovely story!! I hope to get a nice dark BFP someday :)

Thank u very much! I hope u get a bfp soon to. Where are u in ur cycle?

I'm on cd27 of 28-29day cycle but I've had anything from 27-30day cycles so I'm expecting my AF any day now. I've had the weirdest symptoms this month (spotting around 5-6dpo, really thick saliva, morning diarrhea... etc) but my gut is telling me that this isn't my month.. I don't really have the cardinal symptoms like sore bbs.. Oh, and I'm being really clumsy these past few days... can that be a symptom??? hahahahaha :haha:

Im naturally clumsy so it has always increased with my pregnancy's. Lol. I did have morning diarrhea a few times for a few weeks. I can't tell to much by symptoms for a few reasons. The first being my cycles were so irregular because I have pcos so I think im almost 9weeks already and I just found out Friday. The second is besides the nausea and some twinges every now and then I didn't have anything that made me think I was preggo. I just got sick last Monday fir the first time. Im a bad symptom spotter. :( Im hoping af stays away for you. Fingers crossed and all my luck right to u
just checked in the bathroom, still no af, not even a hint of pink, but tooons of cm. hmm
hey tmcrowe - I'm not sure what prompted you to write that but as someone who's been struggling to conceive my first I want you to know that no one thinks you don't deserve another just because you already have children!!! I think TTC#1ers and TTC#2+ers have different concerns... I for one am extremely scared that I am infertile and that I will never be able to experience the joy of being pregnant and giving birth. But nothing makes someone more or less deserving of conceiving!!!!! I am not religious so I do not pray but I sure do hope that we all have a fair chance of conceiving, whether its the first or the tenth child!

If a TTC#1er made you feel bad, I'm so sorry!

Thank you, that's exactly how I feel. I hate that anyone has to suffer or have so much difficulty ttc. I must've read something the wrong way or my emotions are just running high today ( hormones), but I didn't want anyone to think that because some us already have children, that were not grateful because we want more. I understand 100% how anyone can hurt when AF shows her face. I hope each & everyone of you have a fair chance at conceiving, being pregnant, and giving birth to your very own baby. Thanks again for your kind words.
oh tm, everyone here welcomes you. i think its great you have kida, you can give us all advice that we ttc1ers dont know but you may know!

Thank so very much for your kind words Liz! :hugs:

I've been over here really rooting for you! I really don't know much about temps, but from everything i've read ALL of your signs have sounded so promising! Fx'd you get that BFP !!!!!
mrsevewat1 - awwww!! thanks! I actually got really really emotional reading that <3

My clumsiness in the past couple days have been somewhat absurd... yesterday I knocked a bowl out of my left hand with my right hand...(what!?) and today I was filling a container with liquid and I moved the container before I stopped pouring so it spilled all over the place :dohh: Basically, I'm like a kid blowing bubbles and spilling them at the same time. I'm also naturally clumsy but not this bad!!! haha :haha:

In anycase, I'm so happy for you and I'm so glad you shared your experience :flower:
good healthy discussion from both sides this evening ladies :)
i myself am on the fence looking over both sides, as DD was surprise, cannot remember anything of pregnancy and her first year or so due to horrendous P/N depression so have this lush little girl but dont feel like ive had a baby which i know sounds nuts, so bizarre as it sounds, I feel like i have some feelings from both perspectives.

think its good all that venting from both sides, helps us all understand each other better :thumbup:

In my head at this stage a magical vitamin B12 injection is going to impregnate me with many babies lol. :haha: reality check def in order... off to google :)

B12 is good stuff! Honestly, I don't know enough about it though. I have to go through Iron Infusions ( my body absolutely rejects it any other way ) and when i'm there he usually gives my B12 a boost too! Overall within 2-3 weeks of my body absorbing it all in, I feel 10x's better! Fx'd for youu!!! :hugs:
So AF is due any time between yesterday and Thursday - this morning I caved with a FRER, and I *think* I can see a v v v feint line - two questions, can you get an evap line with a first response, and how do I upload so you can tell me if I am crazy or not?

It's image #72158 if anyone can find on countdown to preg..

Eeek - trying to keep cool but its not going well..

Xx Oreos

Here it is Oreo!!!


:happydance: :bfp: :happydance:

Thank you so much for linking to the frer - and do you really think so???? I so excited / nervous - will go buy a digital tonight I think xxx

I definitely think so! And I am not the only one! Definitely get a Digi girl so you can see PREGNANT and then join me over in first try! How many dpo are you? What would your estimated due date be?

Thanks!! Still will be super cautious until I see that pregnant on that digi - I don't know how many days I am dpo as this is the first month we kind of gave up and I didn't test every day this month. I *think* I'm 10dpo could be 12dpo...

Would be cooked 31 July next year if I got my sums right. Eek! X
Liz- I'm in the same boat as you (but 12dpo... So not quite...) temp dip today but cramps are gone, loads of creamy cm... No af- yet...
I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings....I am just having a hard time right now andwas simply venting about my own personal issues. I have two kids already , do not want tos ound ungrateful.....but the last time I was pregnant I was on bed rest for 6 mnths and lost the twin and my daughter was born with club feet,,,,after three years of treatment and two surgeries she is walking now...and wondedrful/!!! But we are having issues conceiving now, and thought I could vent here, and had no intentions of hurting anyone. Thank you for your support ladies, but maybe I should I take abreak for a while, never ment to make anyone upset:nope:
So AF is due any time between yesterday and Thursday - this morning I caved with a FRER, and I *think* I can see a v v v feint line - two questions, can you get an evap line with a first response, and how do I upload so you can tell me if I am crazy or not?

It's image #72158 if anyone can find on countdown to preg..

Eeek - trying to keep cool but its not going well..

Xx Oreos

Here it is Oreo!!!


:happydance: :bfp: :happydance:

Thank you so much for linking to the frer - and do you really think so???? I so excited / nervous - will go buy a digital tonight I think xxx

I definitely think so! And I am not the only one! Definitely get a Digi girl so you can see PREGNANT and then join me over in first try! How many dpo are you? What would your estimated due date be?

Thanks!! Still will be super cautious until I see that pregnant on that digi - I don't know how many days I am dpo as this is the first month we kind of gave up and I didn't test every day this month. I *think* I'm 10dpo could be 12dpo...

Would be cooked 31 July next year if I got my sums right. Eek! X

My EDD is 8/3/13 :)
Just did the "q-tip test".

Now I'm even more confused. Usually my cycle is NEVER late and goes like this:

Day 1 - heavy spotting
Days 2 & 3 - SUPER heavy flow
Days 4 & 5 - MUCH lighter flow
Days 6 & 7 - really light spotting

It's been like that every single cycle for the last few years, except this month.

Saturday (the day she was due) I started having bad AF gas, which I usually get the day before she's due. Sunday I had light pink spotting when I wiped. Monday I had nothing, but woke up at 4am this morning to HORRIBLE AF cramps (this is normal for me... except there is usually heavy af along with it.) and now I have a teeny tiny bit of brown spotting, but not even enough to wear a pad. So I did the q-tip test and it came out covered in brown af.. wtf?!?

So is she up there and just not coming out? Any ideas??
that's so crazy!
Sorry, I've not nothing for ya... :shrug:

If she still doesn't show this weekend, I'm sure you could go to the drs and get a blood test. Good luck!:thumbup:
I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings....I am just having a hard time right now andwas simply venting about my own personal issues. I have two kids already , do not want tos ound ungrateful.....but the last time I was pregnant I was on bed rest for 6 mnths and lost the twin and my daughter was born with club feet,,,,after three years of treatment and two surgeries she is walking now...and wondedrful/!!! But we are having issues conceiving now, and thought I could vent here, and had no intentions of hurting anyone. Thank you for your support ladies, but maybe I should I take abreak for a while, never ment to make anyone upset:nope:

Don't apologize for speaking how you feel & venting. That's exactly what these forums are for. You're entitled to your feelings & opinions just like anyone else is. Which, is why I vented too. Haha No one in particular made me feel the way I did, it's just a vibe I got and I too am very emotional today. I am soo very sorry for the loss of your one of twins and the challenges you've faced ttc. But, please don't let what myself or anyone says or make you feel you need to take a break. That's something you have to want to do in your heart. And, for apologize for being real. I understand without a doubt were you're coming from.:hugs:
How early did you guys start testing? Im such a POAS addict, I dunno if I can hold off any longer haha. Curious to find out how long everyone else was able to hold off.
How early did you guys start testing? Im such a POAS addict, I dunno if I can hold off any longer haha. Curious to find out how long everyone else was able to hold off.

I privately start testing 4 dpo, only cause I have to pee on something! :haha: But I seriously start at 7dpo but even that is pretty early! LOL
I typically start at 4dpo like LORO but I've never seen anything (obviously!) ... But this time around there was the faintest of faint lines at 7dpo but I'm UNUSUAL as I tend to implant early!

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