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Moaning Minnies United!

Hey :)

Sorry girls, I've been MIA!

Welcome Charlie, good to see a new face here :)

So paris, how did it go telling OH? I've missed all of this. How are symptoms so far??

Well I think I've been busy OVing this weekend (I think). OH and I have been having lots of :sex: ;) AND he didn't pull out so that's all good. But after taking the pill for a little while I'm not sure how strong my chances will be. I've had pretty good ewcm for the past 3 days, it's getting more watery now though.

AND it's Christmas eve! I'm so happy. Thought for a while we were gonna have a white christmas but the rain came yesterday and washed the snow away. OH is going to work on Christmas night, as he gets good pay from the hospital, which is a shame because it's our first christmas living together I guess. Never mind though! I'm going to my aunty's house and will spend the day with my family. At least I get to wake up with hima nd do presents together :)

Are you excited now girls? I feel like the baby of the group still, all excited for santa ;)

(Oh and Merry Christmas to paris's little bean, I'm sure s/he has their little xmas hat on in there!)

Charlie - when will you be doing a HPT? I usually wait until I'm late so I bet we'll be testing at about the same time! :dust:
DH was thrilled :) he saw the digi with me and just kept saying he was happy! :cloud9: I feel very blessed!

He's telling his mom today but we both know she'll be ecstatic!!

No real symptoms so far other than being sleepy and REALLY sore boobs. Omg. Puttingt bra on hurt! :haha: Praying I don't get morning sickness! Lol

Well ladies, I wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas!!! I won't be on for the next few days but will check in soon! :hugs:
Charlie - when will you be doing a HPT? I usually wait until I'm late so I bet we'll be testing at about the same time! :dust:

I'm only cd11 right now so I'm not sure. My period isn't due until the 11-14th of January so around that time. :) when are you testing? My OPK was negative today but I have watery cm? I guess I'm getting there. Hope I don't miss my surge. my husbands friend is over so it's hard to get BD'ing in. :dohh:

Paris- have a fun christmas with hubby and little bean! :hugs:
Paris have a lovely time :) you've got an excuse to eat all of the food now!

Err I'm due on for the 9th I think but I just came off the pill after being on it for a few days (we we supposed to back to wtt, but I had a reaction so oh said we'd ntnp) so not really sure when af is due. I think ii have OVd though so I'm probably due before then. I'll test at about the 16th I think as the pill may have messed my cycle up.

I know what you mean about the bd'ing. We've been at OH's mums place a lot, although I think we've covered it so far!

Merry christmas girls :) xx
Sorry dakron sweetie, I missed your post!

I hope you're okay and I'm glad the doctor was good, :hugs:

Have a wonderful Christmas and tons of :dust: ... Even if you're having a break!

Merry Christmas! :flower: :hugs:

I haven't hit a positive OpK yet, but I'm only cd12 right now. :) it's getting pretty close though. :thumbup:
Good to hear :)

Do you have a BD'ing plan? Like every other day or something :)

Paris - I forgot to ask, how did you dtd the month of your bfp? If you don't mind me asking :flower:

My ewcm is on and off. It was strong for 2/3 days, then went away for 2 days now is back but more watery. Just gonna try and :sex: accross these days. I had cramping earlier too so maybe that means OV day is today. Who knows??!

Yup! We've bd'd every other day since CD10. :thumbup:

Today at 2am (CD13) I got my positive OPK!! Followed by loads of EwCM! :happydance: We got to BD around 3. Lol. His friend was over alllllll night. :wacko: Still have a positive opk this afternoon at 1130. I hope we catch the eggy. :) I'm a little worried because my husband isn't going to be here all day tomorrow so we can't bd again until Wednesday unless we bd again today, but I don't think he'll have enough fresh swimmers because we just bd'd earlier. :/ do you think we'll be ok until Wednesday?

How have you ladies been doing? Was Christmas good this year? Hubby loved his present. :D
Ooooh FX you catch the eggy, we could both get January :bfp:s

That sounds like a pretty good plan! Even if you BD again tonight, he'll have made more by Wednesday. Enjoy yourselves :flower:

I've been good thank you. OH loved his present and we can't wait for our holiday next year now, so I guess even if we don't get our bfp soon, we have that to look forwards to.

So last night, I got really quite drunk... I didn't mean to, I'd had a few drinks and then it hit me from no where haha. Do you think that this would affect anything? I'd only be on cd 1 or 3 or something... Do you ladies ever drink in the 2ww?? It's so confusing to me.

It shouldn't affect anything as the baby hasn't even implanted yet. I think its fine. There have been women who have been drunk the day before a positive and they were fine. :thumbup: I hope we both get January BFPs and get to be bump buddies with princess! :hugs: I think we'll BD again tonight then. :)
D - do you mean when did we BD or what 'style' ?? LOL

Christmas was fantastic! Hope yours were too :hugs: all of our parents now know that we're expecting and everyone is so thrilled, even my dad! I'll be seeing him on Wednesday so I'm really excited :)
I know! :flower: I'm so glad my dad is happy! I told him yesterday morning so it was definitely an Xmas surprise for him!
Ok well I'll answer both questions lol

We BD the night of my positive opk (CD20)
and the night after :) first night was him on top, second night was me on top :blush:

BUT... FF changed my O day on me. It was originally CD20 but then it got changed to CD24. So I may have OV on Wednrsday like I thought or I OV on CD24 like FF says I did.
Only day of positive and day after. Then we didn't bd again until 4 days later :)

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