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Moaning Minnies United!

I guess just this month. Before we were just NTNP, but I started using opks this month. :thumbup: what about you?
Hoping that the luck that paris had in getting her bfp on the first ttc month will rub off onto you then!

I've been ntnp since May/June time. But recently we've been more ttc, I still don't temp or use OPKs yet though. Just gonna let nature take its course.

No symptoms yet, although I'm only about 4dpo I think. Really unsure about this cycles timing. Pretty sure I've ovulated because I've got the usual post OV cm.

How are you ladies today anyway? :hugs:
Oh D :hugs: I think you've got a great shot!!! So excited for you to test in a few weeks :) any symptoms yet??

I have no idea what I'm cooking in there lol DH would love a little boy but I would be glad either way, as long as its healthy!!

Called a few midwife places today. Am going to meet with a few and see if I 'click' with one :) still not sure if I want a midwife or obgyn. My sister had a midwife and highly recommends them.

I spent the day with my dad yesterday, was soooo great. I just love my dad :blush: he's excited to become a grandpa again! Xxxx

Hope you ladies are well!!!

Big hugs to dakron. Hope you pop in to the thread soon!! :flower:
Not really any symptoms so far. When I wiped there was like thick yellowy creamy cm and lots of it! But I'm only 4dpo so I can't imagine that anything will be happening yet. FX though.

Glad to hear that your dad was excited. Are you telling everyone now? Or just close people? I'd be so scared to tell my family because I'm still so young. We're settled and are ready but I know my mum is against having babies early! Not her decision though.

Over here we all have midwives. It may be a silly question but what is the difference?

Hoping that the luck that paris had in getting her bfp on the first ttc month will rub off onto you then!

I've been ntnp since May/June time. But recently we've been more ttc, I still don't temp or use OPKs yet though. Just gonna let nature take its course.

No symptoms yet, although I'm only about 4dpo I think. Really unsure about this cycles timing. Pretty sure I've ovulated because I've got the usual post OV cm.

How are you ladies today anyway? :hugs:

:haha: I hope so too.

I don't have many symptoms either, but I am only 2dpo I think. Based on the OPKs and cm I'm pretty sure I ovulated on the 27th. :thumbup: The only "symptom" I noticed was sore nipples, which is weird for me b/c I've never had them before. I'm not trying to put too much stock in symptoms this month though. I think the only symptom I will believe is implantation bleeding or a missed period. Lol.
I've heard that lots of creamy yellowish cm is a good sign!! I personally didn't have it, but every woman is different! FX it's a good sign for you :hugs:

I think the difference between an obgyn and a midwife is that the obgyn is a medical doctor. Midwives are trained but are not considered doctors. Normally midwives only provide care for low-risk pregnancies. If complications occur, they refer you to an obgyn or back to your family physician. Well that's how it is here anyway :p

Oh, and we're not telling everyone yet. Only people who know are our parents and my sister :cloud9:
That is so neat that you guys have so many choices. I think being a military spouse I have to have a doctor on base, but I'm not too sure about that. My MIL told me that I don't get to choose if the doctor is male or female either, you used to, but they changed it. Which is kind of a bummer to me 'cus I'm kind of old fashioned and would really prefer a female doctor over male. :haha:
Ooh sore nipples!! Good sign!!

I didn't have them right after OV, but I've got them now!! I swear, my bra is an enemy. Whole boob hurts lol I've been wearing sports bras :haha: I really think I've literally grown a full cup size!! Normally I wouldn't mind a little more up top, but these are killer lol

Went grocery shopping today and bought lots of healthy food!! Lots of veggies and fruit :) getting all the nutrients that I can to make sure little bean grows nice and strong :blush:
I know what you mean. I prefer a female doctor too :) hopefully you'll get lucky and will have a female!

I feel very lucky to have the choice of who will provide my pregnancy care. Midwives are a great choice for your first because they continue to visit you 6 weeks after birth and help you breastfeed and all that fun stuff. I've heard many women say they treat you like a person while the doctor treats you like a patient.

Still having a tough time deciding :) sister says midwife, friend who gave birth in August says obgyn :haha:
I think if I had a choice I might do both? Just in case something goes wrong during labor or something the OBGYN will be right there. I do like the thought of midwives though.

But I don't know. I've heard of some really nice OBGYNs that treat you like a midwife would. :shrug: It just depends on who you get I guess.

OOOOO. I hope this is it. We got to BD again last night. :haha: So hopefully we caught eggy in case something random happened like I O'd late. Ugh. I hate the thought of missing it. :dohh: I think I'm nuts.
I'm pretty sure you can't get both :/ if you have a hospital birth though, a doctor will be in the delivery room, as well as the midwife.
If I could get both, it would make the decision that much easier :haha:
:haha: I think I'd go with an obgyn just because I'd be worried about complications. It would suck to have a midwife then have something go wrong and have to switch half way through of something. That might cost a pretty penny.
Ya I know what you mean. I have thought about that too. Why must the decision be so tough?? :haha:

It wouldn't cost anything to switch though. Midwife services are covered by our federal healthcare, same with an obgyn. We don't pay for healthcare in Canada (not even for our family physicians, not for ultrasounds, blood tests, etc.), unless you go to a private clinic.

Do you have to pay for healthcare in the states?

The only thing that isn't covered here is prescriptions, dentist visits and eye glasses. But then I (and most people) get benefits through their employer which covers 80%, if not more, of the cost. So what you pay out of pocket is pretty small :)
Any new symptoms to report ladies???

It's nearly 5am here right now and I'm WIDE awake. :haha: it sucks lol because I feel so :sleep:

Im starving too but I don't want to get up to make anything because I don't want to wake up DH. He's got to get up in an hour for work. I'm off today :) I don't need to go back to work until Tuesday!

Anyone have any fun plans for New Years? :flower:
Yeah, we have to pay.

No new symptoms here. I think I'm 3-4dpo now. :flower: I'm trying really hard not to symptom spot so I'm kind of ignoring any possible "symptoms".

:haha: Do you have any cravings yet? We're not doing much for new years. Might have a few people over. :) how about you?
Oh you're no fun! No symptom spotting?! C'mon! Jk :haha: I totally understand. When do you plan on testing for the first time??

No cravings yet. Although I could go for a big bowl of spaghetti right now lol :haha: I've been eating super healthy and taking my vitamin. I'm always thirsty it seems, so drinking alot of water. But let me tell you, I would kill to have a grande americano from Starbucks!! :rofl:

We're not doing much for new years either. It really puts a damper on the event when you can't drink! Lol probably just stay home or maybe go out for a nice dinner.

Can't believe it's almost 2012! Sounds so futuristic where everyone should have hover cars lol
That was so weird. I just decided we'd have spaghetti tonight. :) I think I'm going to test on the 11th, when AF is do, but odds are I'll break before then. Lol.

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