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Moaning Minnies United!

I'm so excited to get the heck outta here. lol A trip is definitely a good idea. :yipee: Marguaritas, Daquiris and Pina Coladas... here I come! :drunk:

Oh ladies... you're all synched up with your cycles! :haha: Well almost, D is almost done and C is on day 2. I'm in limbo! I wanna be like you guys :shy:
Hopefully... waiting sucks. lol :coffee:

I have my follow-up appointment today at the hospital. I'm a little nervous to go :shy: I just hope that all is well. I really REALLY do not want to have to go through a D&C :nope: .I hope that my body has expelled it all on its own and hasn't retained any "products of conception".

Isn't that a strange way to describe a growing baby? "products of conception" is what they called it at the hospital. *sigh*

I have finally stopped bleeding and spotting, so I'm taking that as a good sign. Now I guess I just need to wait for my normal AF. Let's pray she shows in a few weeks!!
OMG. I just realized that today is Friday the 13th.

WTF!! Cannot believe I have my follow-up appointment on Friday the 13th.

Aw... I hope you don't need a D&C. :hugs: Maybe today will be lucky and you won't need it?
I went ahead and ordered some OPKs and cheapie pregnancy tests :haha: Hoping that I'll be able to start using them in a month!
Ok... strange. Just went to the loo and I've got EWCM? :shrug: And lots of it!!

WTF is going on!? Ugh. My body is so confused with itself.
You could just be getting close to ov? I hear you're extra super fertile after an m/c. :shrug:
Maybe. That would be awesome if I'm getting close to OV. I always have a 14 day LP so that would mean that I'd get AF before my trip :haha: That would be perfect!! I'm reeeaaalllyyy early to OV though, so I think it's just my hormones being confused. Who knows!

My appt went well and no D&C required :flower: As sad as I am, I'm glad I was able to pass it on my own. Can't wait to just put this whole thing behind me. It's too devastating to keep thinking about it. Hopefully I have a normal AF and then it's back to TTC.

:hugs: thank you for being here for me ladies. It really helps! xxx
You should look it up and see if it's possible that you could be fertile. :)
Nah. If I think I'm more fertile, I'll want to start trying again right now. :haha:
Hey girlies!

Hope you're all okay. I'm glad that the hospital appt went well for you paris. It must be a relief.

I agree charlie, waiting to OV is much more fun! You don't have to look out for symptoms... Only ewcm ;)

SO cd 5... af left the builiding yesterday so am happy. I think I'm going to go swimming later to get fit!

I want to get fit too. I've got a little belly coming. Lol. I want to get back to 110-115 I'm at 125 right now. It sucks cus it all goes straight to my butt and thighs. Ugh, gross.
I know what you mean charlie, I've got a tank ass right now! When I'm bloated I look 6 months pregnant anyway. I'm 127 right now but want to get down to 120 really... Time to get out the rowing machine I think!

I have soooo much to do at home today. I need to go shopping, visit OH's mum, walk the dogd and finish my dissertation (I've been slack lately). :dohh: plus OH is at the hospital until 2. Yawn. We've not had :sex: for about 2 weeks :blush: No idea how we're gonna get a :bfp: without BDing but never mind!

How are you girls feeling this fine day?

I'm sure both of you do not have tank asses lol silly girls :haha:

I'm feeling good today. It's only 6:20am here and I'm wide awake. I wish I could sleep in!! But since I get up every morning at 6am for work (except on the weekends) my body always wakes up around this time! Lol :dohh:

We did all our shopping yesterday but today is laundry day. We're also meeting my dad for dinner tonight as it was his bday yesterday :)

Hope you both have a great Sunday!! :flower:
Nope paris, I definitely have one big booty ;) OH doesn't mind though, I guess that's all I have to worry about.

Body clocks are so so annoying. I get up early during the week too, so I have the same problem. Plus OH works nights a lot so his sleeping pattern is really messed up!

Happy birthday to your dad! Have fun with him :flower:

I can't believe that it's monday again! where does the weekend go?!
Big booties are good. Most men do not mind! I've got a little back there and DH loves it. I say its better to have a bigger ass than no ass at all! Some women have such flat looking bums. Sad really. Mine's not big, but it's vibrant. :haha:

Body clocks do suck. I don't know whats going on lately but I can't sleep! And I know Im not preg so it's not a symptom :haha: Woke up this morning at... get this... 2:30am! I was wide awake. And of course, by the time I start falling back asleep, it was 5am. I got to sleep for one hour and then I had to be up again. Now I feel more tired. :growlmad:

Weekends always goes by so fast! Wish the work week would go by as fast LOL

So ladies... countdown is officially on!! 20 days until my trip and then 28 days until I can start TTC again! I'm so excited for both :dance: Staying positive!!

*takes out her megaphone* We will all get our sticky beans! :dust:

I hope dakron shows up soon. I miss her :hugs: Hope she's doing well.

And where's C? I wonder if she's been moving into her new place.
Okay, raising my glass to our 'vibrant' bottoms :D

Well I've started taking herbal sleeping pills. I never thought they'd work but I've been out like a baby... Maybe it's the placebo effect.

Loving the megaphone...

I'll get my pom-poms out and start cheerleading! Go eggies, cath the spermies, go eggies, become bfps

and all that jazz ;)

Dakron and C... We miss you both lots :hugs:

God I want to be a mummy already!

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