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Moaning Minnies United!

Oh my gosh YES.

This coldsore is called Clyde. He's dissapointed.

This one is called Norris. He was frustrated earlier but his positive outlook on life really shines through...

That's when OH would find the crazy pills reserved for really crazy patients...
:rofl: :rofl:

Clyde and Norris... isn't there three? Or is the other just Clyde or Norris' invisible friend?
Haha 'rock hard dingaling' just made me choke on my dinner! That's so funny. My OH doesn't have a penis anymore. He has a dingaling!

And paris... Keep on eating! I'm on a diet so you can eat for me too :D

I bet OH can't wait to get me into bed at the sight of these badboy coldsores. He's so excited to get home from work. With one look at me he'll be rushing back!

Dingaling! :haha: Ya like that, eh?

MY DH was laughing too... when we were at the hospital, I'm like "I can't believe I have to have a vaginal ultrasound while bleeding. As if they are going to shove something up my hoohah!"

Hes all "hoohah?!" :rofl:

I need to grow up and say the big people words. :haha:
Lmao! It's ok. My hubby calls my vagina a "hootin'-nanny" or something like that. :rofl: you're not the only one.
Well the other coldsore is hidden. In my nose. Seriously. It's got a fancy medical name according to my OH but it's driving me crazy. It doesn't deserve a name.

OH walked in, asked what has happened to my face. I actually introduced him to Clyde and Norris and told them about how I think Norris is bipolar...His moods change so often. He just looked at me funny. I think it would have been okay... However he walked into the kitchen, spotted the steamer and asked why the christmas present from his mum was dismantled (I tried to fix it). Then he mentioned something about a 'pea murderer.'
Well my OH is all penis and vagina... But he would be, he's a smartypants :dohh:

However I prefer the terms trousersnake and nunny/vajayjay... But I have to adopt dingaling ;)

It's hilarious :rofl:
Last night DH asked when we can 'humpy' again. :haha:

I'm supposed to wait two weeks or something, to help prevent infection. Gross.
Lmao, humpy? :haha:

I hate the word masterbation... So I'm always like... 'When did you last alone sex?' It makes him laugh. I love my OH <3

Aww hun, that's no fun for you. I guess you'll both be ready for it then though :hugs:
Alone sex lmao :haha:

While we were TTC, I told DH he wasn't allowed to alone sex lol
Why is it so effin difficult to find summer clothes in the winter!? :haha:

Don't any of these shops realize that Im going to the Caribbean!? GAH.
25 days until vacation time! :dance: I'm getting excited!

BUT... It's crash course diet time. These past few days, I ate like garbage. Today, greek yogurt and fruit for breakfast! and tea!

You know, its strange how things work. When I got my BFP, I completely stopped coffee. And I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE coffee. Now, I don't even want it. Decaffeinated tea all the way!
I'm so jealous of your trip paris! It sounds amazing!

So little miss cheerleader here, is all peppy and ready to boost morale ;)

af has almost left the building. I know OH is willing to not pull out this month but he has said he will occasionally so we're still ntnp. I think the whole ttc seems too much for him although he got so excited last month when we thought we were in!

Getting closer to my bfp. I should OV the 24th and that seems AGES away...


Oh paris, I luurve the new ticker. It is our year!

Dakron - how are you hun, hope you pop by soon! :hugs:
AF go away! :haha: Glad to hear she's almost gone.

OH will come around! It's nice to see he's willing to not pull out a bit this month. WAY more of a chance to get that :bfp: !!! Keeping my FX for you :flower:

The 24th isn't far lol It'll be here in no time! It's the TWW that's killer.

And yes, dakron -- we miss you! Hope all is well. :hugs:
Yeah hopefully his swimmers will get their front crawl on!

I want my :bfp: :brat:
Good luck D! I'm only on CD-2 right now. Lol. Just chilling, playing video games. :flower:
Some of the good things about waiting to ovulate are:

I'm not stressing as bad as if I were in the TWW.
I can drink whatever caffeine I want, not that I want any.
I can have a steaming hot bath or go to a sauna and sweat away all those toxins without having to worry about wether or not I'm burning up a little bean. :haha:
I can start vigorous exercising because I'm a little out of shape.

Anything you ladies want to add? :flower:
Paris- the carribean sounds amazing! Wish I could go! :)

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