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Moaning Minnies United!

Sorry I haven't been on lately girls... We've run into a little bit of an issue with renting a place.. You can find the whole story in my journal.. It's made me a bit down...

D- you're getting close to O! Woohoo! :D

Paris- I'm excited about your trip for you! Lol. Wish I could go with you! :hugs:
Okay C, lets get in her suitcase and not get out! Paris, you're gonna have to wear all your clothes on the plane with you because you've got two stalkers in your luggage ;)

I know... OVing is near! Although I need to ask your opinions. CD 6 I had a bit of ewcm, then post OV cm...? We would have covered it if I had OVd but that's way too soon! And it all cleared away for a while, then today I had this weirdly strong cm, kinda stretchy but it had almost layered my underwear and was all see through. Sorry tmi, just not sure what's happening. It's not like normal ewcm. I don't even think swimmer could get through it! I guess I'mma just have to see if I get any more ewcm soon!

Hope you're okay Charlie! I guess it's stressful for you :hugs: don't forget to :sex: though for a January bfp :haha:
Oh wow, C! What a mess. Good thing you didnt fork over any cash. Very smart of you both to go check out the place first! I hate scammers! :gun:

Woooo, stalkers in my luggage. Awesome ;) DH will be thrilled to have 3 ladies with him LOL He'll look like such a stud :haha: Bring your bathing suits! lol

D... I wish I could be more helpful but I've got no idea whats going on either. I'd say that if it's clear though, BD anyway, just in case! Have you ever OV'd that early before? Maybe it's still from the pill you took and your cycle is regulating itself? :shrug: FX for you still :hugs:
:haha: I'll try not to forget. I'm just so furious at what happened. Ugh.. I would keep BD'ing. :) are you doing anything different this cycle that might affect your cm? :hugs:

Lol. I would so totally hide in your suitcase Paris... Although I'm pretty sure we might all go to jail if they found bodies in your luggage. :rofl:
I had a major temp dip yesterday so thought I was going to OV but no rise this morning. Damnit. :growlmad:

I guess I'm still waiting. :coffee: I was hoping to OV early so that I wouldn't have AF during my trip but looks like it may be inevitable.

LOL @ bodies in the suitcase! :rofl: Make some room in the suitcase for some tampons ladies :haha:
Maybe you'll ov in the next couple of days. My temp usually dips and stays level for a couple of days and then rises. :shrug:
Thanks for that! :hugs: I hope that is whats happening.

I know my cycle may be messed up cause of the mc, but I'll have to just keep on waiting and see what happens!

I got my OPKs in the mail today but don't really want to use them until next month. *sigh* Decisions, decisions. I should have ordered more :haha:
:haha: I know how you feel. There's so much going on right now that I'm forgetting to do my OPKs.
Charlier - I luuuuuuuurve your avatar, so pretty! I'd call those scammers some REALLY bad names but I'm little miss sunshine cheerleader and we have to be positive to get our :bfp:s. Doesn't excuse the fact that they're total ******* though.

Paris - No peeing on those tests :nope: Well maybe one... Stay strong! Oh and I'll make room for the tampons! I'll stuff them up my nose and in my ears if it means I can be in the sunshine! :dohh:

We couldn't BD last night :cry: and I have some stretchy stuff today but it's not clear. I'm scared I missed it. Just gonna have to keep my eyes out for anything and BD tonight being hopeful!
No peeing on the OPKs :laugh2: I will save them for next month when it'll actually mean something! I'll just keep temping and that'll tell me when I ovulate, hopefully! I had an even LOWER temp drop this morning so maybe it's on its way. :shrug: Meh, it'll come when it comes I guess!! No stress. ;)

Time is actually moving pretty fast. My trip is in 17 days now! :dance: I'll make sure to pack a big suitcase so you both can fit in it, and the tampons! LOL I don't think I'd want to use them after them being up your nose and in your ear. :haha:

And it's already less than a month until we start TTC again. :wohoo:

Aww, D. I doubt you missed it! :sex: tonight and jump on that man! Tell him if he doesnt BD, he'll be in some serious :trouble:

Stay positive, right Miss Sunshine cheerleader? :happydance:

Oh sunshine. How I need sunshine. I love Canada but holy hell its effin cold here today. :cold:

I think I am addicted to the smilies on this forum. :help:
:haha: How could you not be addicted to them? They're so cute! Sounds like you're getting ready to ov paris! Wooo! lol.

Don't worry D- You'll definitely catch the eggy tonight! :hugs:

I'm kind of frustrated with my hubby b/c he pulled out last night... grrr... And that's the only BD we've had since AF left. Oh well... I think I'm only CD 10 right now, so I'm not near ov. Just annoying that he pulled out.

Yeah, that's me in my wedding dress in my avatar. Lol. I realised I have no pics of me and hubby up at all, so I'm going to post some in my journal later today. Lol. Thanks ladies, you're making me blush. :blush:
Ooooh I'm excited to see some pics! I posted a pic of me and DH in this thread a while ago, but you'll have to go looking for it! LOL :haha:

Ok... :saywhat: Why do you think he pulled out?
I don't know.. He keeps going back and forth on the NTNP and the WTT until July thing. It's really frustrating.. He's such a worry wart... Whatever.. I posted some pics in my journal. And oooooooooooooo. I'm going to go look for your pic now. Lol.
Ah! I found it! Haha. You're too cute! I totally didn't see you as a blonde. :haha:
Eesh. Men! :growlmad:

At least he didn't pull out during your fertile time. Let him pull out all he wants for now, but when you get that positive OPK... tackle him! :haha:
:haha: Are you looking at my pic or dakron's? I'm not REALLY blonde :p

This is mine :haha: Its more, light brown :p
:haha: Hmmm.. I suppose it's a light brown. Still pretty! Lol. I used to be bleaaaaaaaach blonde when I was little and had afro curls. Lol. Now my curls are more manageable and my hair started going dirty blonde in highschool and I didn't really like it so that's when I started dying it. LOl.

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